आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

मैट रीक / Matt Reeck

Matt Reeck is a writer living in Brooklyn, NY. Midwinter, his third chapbook of poetry, will be released in January by Fact-Simile Press, and Dirty Swan Projects will follow with My Dictionary his fourth. His Hindi poetry has been published in Anubhuti, Chaya, and Aksharam Sangosthi. Along with his co-translator, Aftab Ahmad, he has translated from the Urdu of Saadat Hasan Manto, Patras Bukhari and Premchand. More stories from Bombay Stories, their manuscript of Manto’s Bombay fiction, can be read in A Public Space 7, In Translation (The Brooklyn Rail), and upcoming in Fiction International.

Matt Reeck at Pratilipi

  1. तुम्हारी कोहनी के एवज
  2. Manto’s Life in Bombay (Translator)
  3. Janaki (Translator)
  4. Pairan (Translator)
  5. Why I Don’t Go to the Movies (Translator)
  6. Women and the Film World (Translator)
  7. The Believer: Meraj Ahmed (Translator)

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