आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

शांदोर कान्यादी / Sándor Kányádi


From a family of farmers in Transsylvania. Studied Hungarian Literature at the Bolyai University of Kolozsvár. As an editor, translator and teacher, he has worked tirelessly to preserve the Hungarian language and culture. He has woven folksong and myths into numerous verse forms. Works include: Függőleges lovak, Fától fáig, Fekete-piros versek, Szürkület, Valaki jár a fák hegyén, Szürke szonettek etc.

Winner of numerous prizes: 1968 Utunk Prize; 1971, 1978 Prize of the Romanian Writers’ Association; 1986 Déry Tibor Prize; 1989 Prize for the Book of the Year; 1990 MSZOSZ Prize; 1990 Prize of the Castren Society; 1993 Kossuth Prize; 1993 Prize for Hungarian Art; 1994 Herder Prize; 1998 Hungarian Heritage Title; 2000 C.E.T. Millenium Prize; 2001 Ferenc Kölcsey Millennium Prize; 2002 Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Main Prize; 2004 Cross with Star Order of the Hungarian Republic; 2004 Mecénás Prize.

At Pratilipi

  1. दस हंगारी कवि

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