आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

व्योमेश शुक्ल / Vyomesh Shukla

Born 25th June, 1980, in Varanasi. Besides writing poetry, he writes reviews and criticism and has translated works by Edward Said, Raymond Williams, Terry Eagleton, Harold Pinter, Howard Zinn and Eliot Weinberger’s book What I Heard About Iraq into Hindi. Was awarded the Ankur Mishra Smriti Puraskar (2008).

Vyomesh Shukla at Pratilipi

  1. एक बिल्कुल सफेद दीवार का सियापा
  2. Not Without Remembrance
  3. गुजरात पर कवितायें / Gujarat Poems (Selected by)
  4. निराला का उत्तराधिकार
  5. जीवन महाकाव्य: राय आनंद कृष्ण और व्योमेश शुक्ल (साक्षात्कारकर्ता)
  6. लमही वतन है

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