आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

सआदत हसन मंटो / Saadat Hassan Manto


Saadat Hassan Manto (May 11, 1912 – January 18, 1955) was was the leading Urdu short-story writer of the twentieth century, famous for stories like “Bu”, “Khol Do”, “Thandi Gosht” and, his magnum opus, “Toba Tek Singh”.

He was also a film and radio scriptwriter, and journalist. In his short life, he published twenty-two collections of short stories, one novel, five collections of radio plays, three collections of essays and two collections of personal sketches. He was tried for obscenity half-a-dozen times, thrice before and thrice after independence in Pakistan, but never convicted.

(Bio courtesy Wikipedia)

Saadat Hasan Manto at Pratilipi

  1. Open It
  2. Janaki
  3. Pairan
  4. Why I Don’t Go to the Movies
  5. Women and the Film World

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