The Words Begin as Butterflies: Birgitta Trotzig
Several decades ago now, on the 2nd or 3rd of
January, 1952 – anyway the first weekday after New
Year´s holiday – on my way home with the métro Opéra –
Pont Neuf – Place Monge, I found myself with no
warning for no reason with no connection of thoughts
but touchable like a body or a light, in: the
world-as-it-is. In: what is. As if an obstacle fell
aside, a shell burst and was simply gone. I was in all
being one. I and the others in the coach hung together
and breathed through each other in one single living
radiant element – there was nothing to fear, nothing
ever, never more. Everything was new, naked,
pulsating, shining.
How it lasted until noon and into the afternoon and
then slowly ebbed out.