आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

शरथ कुमारराजू / Sharath Komarraju

Sharath was born in Andhra Pradesh, India, on May the 31st, 1985. In 2001, he and his parents moved to New Zealand in search of greener pastures. (Though it sounds like a family decision when put that way, he was not consulted in the matter.) They have been living here ever since and, in the intervening years, Sharath has managed to procure for himself an engineering degree and a reasonably well-paying job at IBM as one of their ‘software guys’.

Science fiction and mystery form the bulk of Sharath’s literary interests – with Christie and Asimov being his role-models – so when he writes fiction, it’s no coincidence that it falls into one or the other genre. His first novel, Murder in Amaravati, has been accepted by Amarayllis and is due for publication in early 2011.

Sharath Komarraju at Pratilipi

  1. The Will
  2. The Clock Tower

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