आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

हार्वी ली हिक्स / Harvey Lee Hix


Harvey Lee Hix (born 1960), who signs his work H. L. Hix, is an American poet and academic. Hix is the author of books of poetry, criticism and essays and has been awarded a fellowship from the NEA. He has also won the KCAI Teaching Excellence Award, and the T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry (from Truman State University Press in Missouri, no relation to the more famous prize in Britain). In 2006 he was a finalist for the National Book Award for Poetry. He is a professor and the director of the creative writing MFA program at the University of Wyoming.

Harvey Lee Hix at Pratilipi

  1. Cornucopia: Hasso Krull (Translator)

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