आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13


Pages: 1 2



Jesus was a Dane.

Buddha was a Dane.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a Dane.

Don’t let anybody fool you into believing anything else,

not Indian, Russian, Egyptian or even American.

Jesus was a Dane

he might have been to India

and he might have died somewhere in the Himalayas.

But Jesus was a Dane, as long haired as any viking,

after all, no one hates themselves more than the Danes.

Buddha was a Dane,

we look just like him, spending our time in the office chairs

looking at the pictures of trees on the screen before us.

Buddha was a Dane

and so was Leonardo – not Italian. Just remember flight pioneer Jacob Ellehammer

who made a plane in 1905 and had

a Leonardo painting on his wall, the proof

is in the pudding, incidentally another Dane

on the palate, not to mention The Queen of England

compliments of the House of Oldenburg

and Elton John. Or perhaps not, but

Nicola Tesla was a Dane,

so much in incontestable, and Tolkien with his trolls, Einstein too

not to mention

Martin Luther King. Yes. A black Dane, straight from Atlantis, see

this silhouette of coastline

is the outline of the top

of a mountain range, the tip

of the crown of Atlantis,

patrolled by Polar Bears

hooked on sugar and fat, beers and burgers

candy and cocaine, ketamine and speed, peyote and penicillin.

Like our ancestor porcus singularis,

we’re blue-eyed, one-stomached omnivores,

matching organs. Yes. The pig. The pig

is a Dane too. The great bacon master, mistress

of the golden trough, in fact God

is a Dane, come to think of it, what else could it be?

An image of mom, dad

and me. Think about it. The devil is in the detail,

a Dane at heart.

Who else despise each other with such fervor.

Salieri was a Dane, which is why he hated Mozart,

his fellow countryman,

an exception to the rule of absolute mediocrity.

For a good Dane, anyone’s good fortune is theft

of his personal property.

People win the lottery and get hung for stealing from their neighbor.

In this sense, we are all Danes for the lord.

Pastry, anyone? It’s from Vienna. And please treat us kindly, we are on the brink

of extinction, a rare species in all shapes and colors,

just five million strong and just

like you.

Pages: 1 2

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  1. I tend to agree with your summary… Jesus most certainly was a Dane..the man didn’t die in bed but rather out there in the bog field fighting for his meal and for universal equality of the female sex…which unequivocally makes him a Dane! The Great Buddha and Divinci as well if you believe in the mantra that “less is more”which any PH lamp or sofa will attest to with their clean lines.
    Best regards,
    Your friendly (not ugly) American of complete Irish descent which without doubt makes me a Dane too.
    Just in case you’re worried about extinction and we stop using inference to determine a Dane…we have 3 lil ones hatched here, with papers, proving that its hard to keep something that good from growing. ;-).
    hils to Trine

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