आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

Search Results

Rain: Sara Rai

November 15th, 2011

Majid disappeared from the house one day like a wisp of smoke lost in the sky. Ever since he got up in the morning, up until noon when he left, Malka had no inkling he was about to do this. He’d woken up as usual and asked for some cardamom laced tea. Then he’d sat […]

Other Skies: Sara Rai

March 2nd, 2009

One day my friend Badri came over to my place. We’d been at school together and I hadn’t seen him for a long time. He looked rather shabby, his hair gone grey. His white shirt was muddy and there was a thick layer of dust on his shoes – God knew where he’d been. I […]

Wilderness: Sara Rai

June 1st, 2008

सारा राय की हिन्दी कहानी बियाबान में का स्वयं लेखक द्वारा कृत अनुवाद.

Sara Rai’s Hindi story Biyabaan Mein translated by the author.

सारा राय / Sara Rai

April 11th, 2008

Sara Rai is a writer who lives in Allahabad and in Delhi. She has written two collections of short stories in Hindi with the titles “Ababeel ki Uraan” and “Biyabaan Mein”, both of which have been published by Rajkamal Prakashan. She has edited and translated from Hindi two collections of short stories in English, “The […]

कुंवर नारायण / Kunwar Narain

August 2nd, 2008

Kunwar Narain was born in 1927 in Uttar Pradesh, and was educated in Lucknow, receiving his M.A. in English from Lucknow University. He managed a family business in that city for several decades, and now lives in retirement in south Delhi. Since the early 1950s, Narain has published poetry in Hindi, as well as essays, […]

‘झूठा’ राज्य / The State That Failed

March 2nd, 2009

दिल्ली चौरासी और गुजरात दो हजार दो को मुख्यतः भारतीय राष्ट्र राज्य की विफलता की तरह, उसके संवैधानिक ‘प्रॉमिस’ के उल्लंघन की तरह, नागरिक-घात की तरह पढ़ा गया है. ज्ञानपीठ से सम्मानित असमिया लेखक इंदिरा गोस्वामी अपने साक्षात्कार में कहती हैं कि चौरासी में दिल्ली में होने का ‘यथार्थ’ और उनके उपन्यास ख़ून से भरे पन्ने का ‘गल्प’ दोनों ‘एक’ ही वस्तु हैं. सारा राय की कहानी (अंग्रेजी अनुवाद में) और यहाँ पुनर्प्रकाशित कुंवर नारायण, विष्णु खरे, मंगलेश डबराल, देवीप्रसाद मिश्र और कात्यायनी की हिन्दी कवितायें तथा सुकृता पॉल कुमार और माईकल क्रेटन की अंग्रेजी कविताएँ गुजरात त्रासदी के अपरिहार्य नागरिक-राजनीतिक संवेदन के साथ साथ मनुष्य होने की गरिमा के पराभव और कला के औचित्य पर संदेह का भी बखान हैं. हिन्दी कविताओं का चयन युवा कवि व्योमेश शुक्ल ने किया है.

Delhi 1984 and Gujarat 2002 have been read mostly as a failure of the Indian nation-state, as a violation of its constitutional “promise”. Jnanpith winner Indira Goswami says in her interview that the “reality” of being in the Delhi of 1984 and the “fiction” of her novel Pages Stained with Blood is one and the same. Sara Rai’s story (in English translation) and the poems by Kunwar Narain, Vishnu Khare, Mangalesh Dabral, Deviprasad Mishra, Katyayani (in Hindi), Sukrita Paul Kumar and Michael Creighton (in English) tell not only of the unavoidable civil and political failure but also of the downfall of human dignity and doubts about the relevance of art. The poems in Hindi have been selected by Vyomesh Shukla.

The Empty Space: Geetanjali Shree

April 1st, 2008

Excerpts from Geetanjali Shree’s novel “Khaali Jagah”, translated into English by Sara Rai.

गीतांजलि श्री के उपन्यास ‘खाली जगह’ का अंश, अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद सारा राय.

इसी पृथ्वी पर: दूसरों का जीवन / On This Planet: The Lives of Others

November 16th, 2011

१० स्त्री लेखकों का गल्प.

Fiction by 10 Women Writers.

मार्च २००९ / March 2009

April 4th, 2009

EDITORIAL * LEAD: एक नये पीड़ित के सम्मुख / Before A New Kind Of Victim An Interview with Ashis Nandy: Giriraj Kiradoo Experiencing India’s So-Called 26/11: Ashwani Kumar A Lone Voice: Sudhir Chandra * FEATURES एक देश के दो विभाजित आत्म / The Divided Self of a Country Ahimsa in the City of the Mind: […]

Minakshi Thakur Talks to Pratilipi

March 2nd, 2009

Pratilipi: What lead you to publishing books in Hindi? What broadly is the Harper Collins hypothesis about the ‘Hindi Sanskriti’? What were your observations about the Hindi market? Minakshi Thakur: HarperCollins Publishers is one of the three leading English language publishers in the world. It set up operations in India in 1995 and had till […]