आज़ादी विशेषांक / Freedom Special

अंक 13 / Issue 13

Scissors of Her Eyes Cut the Melody: Paul Eluard


On the house of laughter
A bird laughs in her wings
The world is so light
That it’s no more at its place
And so happy
That it lacks nothing.


Why am I so beautiful
Because my master bathes me.


A colour madame, a colour monsieur
One at the breasts, one at the hair
The mouth of passions
And if you see red
The most beautiful is at your feet.


The monster swallows even the feathers
Of this bird burnt by gunshot
Moans vibrate the whole length of a wall of tears
And scissors of her eyes cut the melody
Which was already growing in the heart of the hunter.


Nature is caught in the strings of your life
Tree, your shadow, reveals its naked flesh : the sky
It has the voice of the sand and gestures of the wind
And all that you say moves behind you.


She always refuses to understand, to listen
She laughs to hide her terror of herself
She’s always walked under the arches of nights
And everywhere she’s passed through
She’s left
Prints of things broken.


It should be better that a face
Responds to all the names of the world.


I’ve closed my eyes to see no more
I’ve closed eyes to weep
To see you nomore

Where are your hands and the hands of caresses
Where are your eyes the four wishes of day
You, everything to lose you’re not there anymore
To dazzle the memory of nights

Everything to lose I see myself.


All the tears without reason
All the night in your mirror
Life from floor to roof
You doubt earth and your head
Outside everything is mortal
Yet everything is outside
You’ll live the life of here
And of miserable space
That responds to your gestures
Placards your words
On an incomprehensible wall

And who then thinks of your face?


The solitude the absence
And their blows of light
And their balances
To have nothing seen nothing understood

The solitude the silence
More moving
In twilight of fear
When the first contact of tears

The ignorance the innocence
The most hidden
The most alive that places death in the world.


What beautiful sight but what beautiful sight
To proscribe. Its perfect visibility
Will render me blind

The cocoons of my eyes
Will give birth to my dark double
Speaking against sunlight doubting guessing
He attains the real
And I submit the world to a dark mirror
And imagine my power
There should have nothing begun nothing ended
I erase my image I blow out its haloes
All the illusions of memory
All the passionate relations of silence and dreams
All the paths alive all the chances sensible
I am at the heart of time and I surround space.


Adventure hangs from the neck of its rival
Love from which the look regains or is lost
At the place of eyes deserted or populated

All the adventure of human face
Cries without echoes signs of deaths time outside memory
So many beautiful faces so beautiful
That tears hide them
So many of eyes as sure of their night
As lovers dying together
So many of kisses beneath rock so much of water without clouds
Apparitions from eternal absences
All was worth of being loved
The treasures are walls and their shadow is blind
Love is in world for world’s oblivion.


With a single caress
I make you shine of all your brightness.


Sleep has taken your imprint
And the colour of your eyes.


She leans over me
The ignorant heart
To see if I love her
She trusts she forgets
Under clouds of her eyelids
Her head sleeps in my hands
Where are we together inseparable
Alive alive
And my head rolls in her dreams.

(Translated from the French by Miranhshah. From the collections L’Amour la Poesie and Capitale de la Douleur.)

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  1. Miranhshah’s own poetry provides a beautiful passage for Paul Eluard’s poetry to walk through it and yet not get caught there. Paul Eluard’s poetry will be able to find a passage for itself in fewer and fewer poems written in this world. That is how you get to know what Miranhshah’s translations of Paul Eluard might mean to all of us. I’d request the editors to publish more and place next to each other both Miran’s own poems and his translations of Eluard. I believe he has done quite a few from two of Eluard’s collections.

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